I’ll introduce a simple command-line tool that I made called stodo just for myself. To create command-line tool was first time experience for me. To be honest, it was really fun and comfortable because I don’t need to stuck UI staffs. The repository is here.


stodo means Swifty todo. So I developed this by using Swift3.0. I chose Commandant as a framework for parsing command-line arguments. Keep in mind that don’t forget add version in Cartfile when you use Commandant because its latest version is 0.11.1 but it also has higher version like 5.0.2. If you don’t add the version, you’ll install higher version against your will. I noticed it through TravisCI test.

// Cartfile
github "Carthage/Commandant" ~> 0.11

Now you can install by make install after git clone.

As I mention in README, you can use stodo like this.

$ stodo
Available commands:

   add       Create a new task
   delete    Delete a task if it exists
   done      Check done mark in a task
   help      Display general or command-specific help
   list      Show a list of your tasks
   move      Move your tasks
   rename    Rename your task
   reset     Reset all your task
   undone    Remove done mark in a task
   version   Display the current version

This is whole command usage with example.


$ stodo add 'Check new application'
[x] 001: Buy milk after work
[ ] 002: Call Taro
[ ] 003: Grab coffee at cafe
[ ] 004: Check new application

Add options

  • -d or --done : Add a new task with a status of done.


$ stodo delete 2
[x] 001: Buy milk after work
[ ] 003: Grab coffee at cafe
[ ] 004: Check new application

Delete options



$ stodo done 3
[x] 001: Buy milk after work
[x] 003: Grab coffee at cafe
[ ] 004: Check new application

Done options



$ stodo help
Available commands:

   add       Create a new task
   delete    Delete a task if it exists
   done      Check done mark in a task
   help      Display general or command-specific help
   list      Show a list of your tasks
   move      Move your tasks
   rename    Rename your task
   reset     Reset all your task
   undone    Remove done mark in a task
   version   Display the current version

Help options



$ stodo list
[x] 001: Buy milk after work
[x] 003: Grab coffee at cafe
[ ] 004: Check new application

$ stodo list -m -t -d
- [x] Buy milk after work    | 2016/10/08 20:13:06
- [x] Grab coffee at cafe    | 2016/10/08 14:43:27

List options

  • -m or --markdown : Show todo list by markdown.
  • -t or --time : Show todo list with createdAt or updatedAt if it has.
  • -d or --done : Show only done tasks.
  • -u or --undone : Show only undone tasks.


$ stodo move 1 3
[x] 003: Grab coffee at cafe
[x] 001: Buy milk after work
[ ] 004: Check new application

Move options



$ stodo rename 3 'Grab coffee at home'
[ ] 003: Grab coffee at home
[x] 001: Buy milk after work
[ ] 004: Check new application

Rename options



$ stodo reset

:warning: Delete all your task.

Reset options



$ stodo undone 1
[ ] 003: Grab coffee at home
[ ] 001: Buy milk after work
[ ] 004: Check new application

Undone options



$ stodo version

Show the current version.

Now I plan to add the following features in near future.

  • Setting .stodo file path. (default path is HOME).
  • Support SwiftPM.
  • Improve code coverage.

In this case, I can use stodo. Cool isn’t it?


If you wanna make command line tool, these links and repos might be good ref.

Enjoy with command-line tool in Swift3.0 :wink: