I worked on a Swift framework for the esa.io API called EsaKit. EsaKit is build with ReactiveSwift and Himotoki.

What’s esa.io?

esa.io is a service that is an expertise Sharing Archives for motivated teams. This is famous only in Japan. I use the service in my team as a quick daily report. So I made a simple client iOS application for the service before. (=> Esafeed)

For this app, I need to create a simple client framework. This is why I made EsaKit.

How to use EsaKit?

In EsaKit, you can get a necessary response easily like this.

let client = EsaClient(token: "your_token", teamName: "your_team_name")
    .startWithResult { result in
        switch result {
        case let .success(response, members):
            print("\(response)") // => Response(xRateLimitLimit: 75, XRateLimitRemaining: 71)
            print("\(members)")  // => Memberss(members: [EsaKit.MemberUser(name:...
        case let .failure(error):
            print("An error occured: \(error)")

client.teamName = "other_your_team_name"
    .startWithResult { result in
        switch result {
        case let .success(response, posts):
            print("\(response)") // => Response(xRateLimitLimit: 75, XRateLimitRemaining: 70)
            print("\(posts)")    // => Posts(posts: [EsaKit.Post(number: 11, name:...
        case let .failure(error):
            print("An error occured: \(error)")

I’ll introduce EsaKit into production. Stay tuned:) Please add Github Star to EsaKit if you like it.